Most of the 6,000 residents of north-eastern Namibia’s Bwabwata National Park count themselves as the descendants of the world’s first peoples, known collectively today as the San.
For countless years they lived throughout southern Africa as hunter-gatherers with an impressive subsistence lifestyle that made little impact on the natural environment.
In the strip of Namibian soil sandwiched between Angola and Botswana, a group of Khwe elders, with support from TEKOA are determined to work with their youth to regain some of the skills they have lost, in the hope that these skills will renew pride in their identity and culture, but also create opportunities for self-growth and for some to obtain employment in Namibia’s fast-expanding economy.
Our camp was on the site of an old SADF military base which was formerly occupied by an infamous military unit known for it's ferocity in a particularly bloody civil war. There are a number of buildings from this time still standing, some with bullet holes. The park is beautiful though, and teeming with wildlife including lions, elephants, hippoes, monkeys and various game animals.